Volunteers needed: Trees Inc. Annual Fall Tree Planting

TREES Inc. will have its Annual Fall Tree Planting on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024. We always look forward to our big tree planting days and welcome individuals or teams to help us. TREES will plant 100 trees near Chestnut Street, between 13th & 17th Streets. Please register at the link below. T-shirts, donuts and beverages will be provided.

On November 2nd, check in will be at 9:30 am. Planting begins at 10am.

We ask that all volunteers register at: https://tinyurl.com/TREESfall2024

If you have any questions, please contact Rhonda.Beecroft@indstate.edu. Rhonda coordinates our volunteers and team leaders and will communicate with all volunteers prior to the event.

  • Sponsoring Unit
    Trees Inc.