Teaching Students and Not Just ‘Subjects’

Dr. Bryan Dewsbury will be the final speaker in our LEAP Indiana Virtual PD series on Friday, February 14th, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (EST). His workshop is entitled Teaching Students and Not Just ‘Subjects.’ Please see a more detailed description below.

Registration Link: https://iu.zoom.us/meeting/register/CBpbhLKpTKiRKVSWbWBb9A

Workshop Description: In this session we will focus on what teaching humans entails, including the approaches, curriculum decisions, and strategies that cultivate intrinsic motivation. These strategies, if fully engaged in, allow us to bring out the best out of our diverse classrooms. Mechanisms for non-cognitive assessment will also be discussed.

  • Sponsoring Unit
    Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence