Public Safety tips

With fall semester in full swing, the Public Safety Department would like to share important safety tips:

-Sign up for RAVE text messages and RAVE Guardian at our website; Emergency information is distributed via RAVE text messages, emails, all hazards siren, RAVE desktop alerts, and voice-over messages throughout the buildings.

– Be aware of your surroundings and develop trusted and responsible friendships. Walk in groups after dark whenever possible. Public Safety offers safety escorts on campus 24/7 just call 812-237-5555.

– Lock the doors to your residence hall rooms, apartments, and vehicles and secure all valuables out of sight. Use a secure lock for bicycles and lock them in a well-lit area where you can check on them often.

– Don’t share personal information or photos on social media

– Review the active shooter preparedness video titled “Run, Hide, Fight, Active Shooter-Be Prepared” on our website
Contact the Indiana State University Police Department if you are a victim of a crime or to report suspicious behavior. Our office is located at 210 N. 6th St. and our phone is 812-237-5555.

  • Sponsoring Unit
    Public Safety