This semester, we encourage you to embrace the power of Just One small change in your teaching and/or librarianship. Find one thing to modify—Just One—to expand opportunities for big impact. This may lead to big learning for students. Join us in making a significant impact!
Here is how it works:
A faculty member commits to making one teaching change and enters it into a Qualtrics link. It could be a personalized pledge or selection from a list of ideas. The Qualtrics submission goes to the FCTE. Faculty who participate in Just One change will be listed on the FCTE Sycamore Root. The details of faculty pledges will NOT be listed nor publicly identified; however, departmental percentages will be listed on the FCTE Sycamore Root. A list of ideas for Just One change is provided on the Sycamore Root along with the pledge form: Go to and look for the FCTE
Please resubmit the link if you are changing your modification for Spring 2025!