1. Indiana State University requires a Field Trip Report to be completed with a Department Chairperson and ISU employee participating in the field trip. The Field Trip Report shall be submitted to the Office of Risk Management for insurance auditing purposes.
To review additional information regarding field trips, please visit our page.
2. Indiana State University requires a Certificate of Insurance regarding entertainers, performers, and events hosted by faculty, staff, and students. The Certificate of Insurance must be provided to the Office of Risk Management for review.
If your department needs a Certificate of Insurance, you may request one here.
3. If you are an ISU employee and you operate a golf cart as part of your position, you are required to complete the Golf Cart Safety course and provide your certificate of completion to ISU-RiskManagement@indstate.edu. United Educators provides a Golf Cart Safety course and you may access the training by following the instructions provided here.
You are also required to review and sign the Golf Cart and Utility Vehicle Use and Safety Guidelines, which can be located here.
4. Indiana State University has Vehicle Guidelines and Procedures that contain important information for ISU employees that drive a vehicle for University business. The guidelines and procedures also contain important information for departments that own or lease a vehicle.