Graduate Recruitment Training: What to Do When Your Recruitment Model Must Change

Join Drs. Lindsey Eberman and Kent Games as they discuss how they transitioned a program from enrollment exclusively comprised of students with a graduate assistantship to a more balanced program with more than 50% of students attending not on a graduate assistantship. This presentation will focus on curricular innovation, funding innovation, and market demands while presenting a blueprint for other graduate assistant heavy programs to adapt, adopt, and make their own as they work towards their own enrollment goals.

  • Event Date
    November 14, 2023
  • Start Time
    1:30 pm
  • End Time
    2:30 pm
  • Event Address
    CHHS C020
  • Event Contact
    Kenneth Games
  • Phone
    (812) 237-5370
  • Email
  • Sponsoring Unit
    Office of Graduate Studies