Graduate assistantship – paperwork deadline

Please turn in your completed graduate assistantship paperwork to Student Employment for Summer 2024 by May 1 and your Fall 2024 paperwork by June 1.

The Office of Graduate Studies, Payroll and Student Employment are working together as questions have come up around the graduate assistant process.

A few items to note:
1. All new hires must apply through an open, visible position in the Applicant Tracking System.

2. Position descriptions must accurately reflect what the incumbent will be doing. If the position description does not provide sufficient detail, Student Employment will return these to the departments with recommendations for clarifications.

3. If the GA is returning and there has not been a change to their job description, nothing needs to be done in ATS. The only things that need completed are the pay authorization and tuition waiver documents indicating the appropriate terms.

If you have any questions, please contact:

  • Sponsoring Unit
    Career Center