Free Faculty Workshop on Re-Framing Final Assignments for this Semester and Beyond

Free Faculty Workshop with James Lang and Kristi Rudenga on Re-Framing Final Assignments for this Semester and Beyond

As we move into the second half of the semester, the final assignments for your courses will come clearly into view for you and your students. Do yours need updating to be responsive to the specific needs of your students, and the changing conditions in which you teach–such as the growing presence of artificial intelligence?

This webinar will present three pathways to creating or re-creating final assignments for this semester and beyond. We will consider strategies for developing new audiences for final assignments, asking students to re-mix previously written work, or drawing out the distinctive nature of each student’s voice in their academic research. This webinar has been timed to ensure that you will have the opportunity to energize both your teaching and your students with an engaging final assignment for this December or for the spring semester–whether you design a new one, modify a current one, or offer a supplemental assignment along with a more traditional assessment such as a final exam.

  • Event Date
    October 31, 2023
  • Start Time
    1:00 pm
  • End Time
    2:00 pm
  • Event Address
  • Event Contact
    Moyan Li
  • Phone
    (812) 237-2688
  • Email
  • Sponsoring Unit
    Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence