For more than 40 years Congress to Campus has provided college students with a unique civic education by engaging them in honest dialogue with bipartisan teams of Former Members of Congress. Indiana State University’s in-person session will bring dialogues on today’s issues to the forefront and showcase the benefits of healthy partisanship and civility within disagreement.
Congress to Campus dialogues also provide students with unparalleled insight into careers in public service, including how to run for political office, managing work/life balance on Capitol Hill, and the thrill of debating legislation on the House or Senate floor. Program participants consistently say these sessions gave them a newfound appreciation for the dignity and excitement of public service.
Indiana State University are welcoming former members of Congress Bill Enyart (D – IL) and Chris Shays (R – CT) during an open session and public talk on November 8, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. This event will be in the Kenneth L. Smith and Theresa Katheryn Smith Magna Carta Courtroom on the second floor of Federal Hall.