Coffee Chats! Book Read Improving Learning and Mental Health in the College Classroom

“Mental health challenges on college campuses were a huge problem before COVID-19, and now they are even more pronounced. But while much has been written about higher education’s mental health crisis, very little research focuses on the role played by those on campus whose influence on student well-being may well be greatest: teachers. Drawing from interviews with students and the scholarship of teaching and learning, this book helps correct the oversight, examining how faculty can—instead of adding to their own significant workloads or duplicating counselors’ efforts—combat student stress through adjustments to the work they already do as teachers.” (Amazon, 2023). These coffee chats are co-sponsored by Xavia Burton, Executive Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, and the FCTE.

  • Event Date
    October 24, 2023
  • Start Time
    10:00 am
  • End Time
    11:00 am
  • Event Address
  • Event Contact
    Moyan Li
  • Phone
    (812) 237-2688
  • Email
  • Sponsoring Unit
    Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence