The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a campus committee empowered by federal regulations to oversee research activities involving human subjects. The IRB is responsible for the review and monitoring of research involving human subjects in order to assure the protection of the rights and welfare of the subjects participating in research.
Federal regulations require that the IRB be composed of at least five members including: (a) at least two members whose primary concerns are in scientific areas, such that both social and behavioral sciences and biomedical sciences are represented; (b) at least one member whose primary concerns are in non- scientific areas; and (c) a community representative who is not otherwise affiliated with Indiana State University nor a member of the immediate family of an Indiana State University employee; (d) one member or alternate must be able to act as an advocate for children, by virtue of experience and education; and (e) one member or alternate must be able to act as an advocate for justice-involved persons, by virtue of experience and education. The membership includes all genders, as well as representation of racial and ethnic minority groups.
Our goal is to have all colleges represented (BCET, BCOE, CAS, CHHS, SCOB) on the IRB.
For more information on the IRB, please visit:
If you are interested in serving as an IRB member, please contact Marlene Burns, Director – Office of Sponsored Programs at The IRB Leadership Team will then follow-up with those who have expressed interest regarding expectations and requirements for serving as an IRB member.