Funds for Arts and Research: UARC Grant Writing Workshop – Oct. 4; AEF, URF Grant Deadline – Nov. 4

Needing seed money for research projects or funds to bring your performance/exhibition artwork to reality? The University Arts and Research Committee (UARC) is presenting a grant writing workshop on October 4, from 1-3pm. It will be held in the Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence (FCTE) in the Cunningham Memorial Library on the first floor. Information on grants from the University Research Fund (URF) and the Arts Endowment Fund (AEF) will be presented, as well as details about the application and review process. Previous awardees will be on hand to discuss how grants have impacted their research, scholarly, and arts activities. A portion of the program will be devoted to proposal development, so bring your ideas (and a laptop!) to the workshop and begin turning your goals into reality. RSVP to Rick Fitch/Molly Hare/Qualtrix TBD

The University Arts and Research Committee (UARC) is accepting applications for arts and research grants for the fall cycle. These are typically small grants (a few hundred to a few thousand dollars) to support artistic and research endeavors. Grant applications are due on Monday, November 24, 2024. The UARC supports grants through the following funds.

The University Arts Endowment Fund (AEF) supports faculty-led creative projects. Such projects include activities intended to eventuate in performance (in such fields as music and oral interpretation, for example) or in exhibition (painting, sculpture, photography, film/video, etc.).

The University Research Fund (URF) supports to support faculty-led research and scholarship in the physical and social sciences as well as other research fields producing new knowledge and dissemination thereof.

Instructions and application are available on the website of the Office of Sponsored Programs at Any questions about either grant fund may be directed to Richard Fitch, UARC Chairperson, at or Marlene Burns, Director of Sponsored Programs at

RSVP & event information:
