Calling All Faculty and Staff: Formal & Semi-Formal Wear Needed

Calling all Faculty and Staff!

Project Success and the 1st Generation Committee are hosting a Formal Ball for all Project Success and 1st Gen students in late April. We are seeking donations of Formal Wear, both for men and women for students to borrow for the event.

Dig deep into the back of your closets and storage spaces!

The students asked for a formal event, but sometimes these events are cost prohibitive, so we are looking for a variety of styles and sizes of suits and other menswear and prom, bridesmaid, pageant, or other formal dresses.

Let us help you make space in your closets!

All donated items can be dropped off to Ms. Jackie Parvin at 215 Normal Hall. If you have questions, email Jackie at or call her at 812-237-8415.

  • Sponsoring Unit
    Project Success (USSAC)