Spring 2024 Supplemental Instructors

The University Student Success and Advising Center is now accepting requests for Spring 2024 Supplemental Instructors. For information about SI program, please check out https://www.indstate.edu/services/student-success/cfss/supplemental-instruction/about.

Each faculty member requesting an SI complete a quick Qualtrics survey, asking general questions such as your name, course and section you’d like an SI for, etc.  I will also be asking that all faculty review and submit the “faculty expectations and agreement form”.

Qualtrics survey: https://indstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bjRgdWFOdLBfSGq

The deadline for having both of these materials in is Friday, December 8 by the end of the business day.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Burr Hartman

  • Sponsoring Unit
    University Student Success and Advising Center