Title: The Haunting of Bare-Montgomery
Duration: Oct. 17- Nov. 3, 2023
Reception: Oct. 31, 12-3pm- Free candy and hot beverages- Costumes are highly encouraged!
Location: Bare-Montgomery Gallery (Fairbanks Hall)
230 North 7th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47809
All ISU Exhibitions are free and open to the public.
The Haunting of Bare-Montgomery
This is the third annual exhibition of The Haunting of Bare-Montgomery. This Halloween show features artwork created by ISU students, faculty, and staff. This exhibition showcases two collaborative projects: “Exquisite Corpses” by the Art + Joy Lab, and painted pumpkins by ISU’s Art Club members.
At the reception there will be free candy and hot beverages and spooky activities such as painting and decorating mini pumpkins and gourds. Costumes are highly encouraged!