Preparing Tomorrow’s Faculty Graduate Certificate Program

If you work with graduate students, please encourage them to apply to participate in the Preparing Tomorrow’s Faculty graduate certificate program. The one-semester program meets Tuesday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:30 pm in the Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence. Over the course of the program, participants will learn about issues related to teaching and learning, including the fundamentals of effective course design and delivery as well as broader issues of incorporating technology, issues of diversity and inclusion, and student cognitive development. Typically, participants engage with four or five guest presenters who share their expertise regarding specific topics.

By the end of the experience, they will have created a series of artifacts that both document preliminary work on a course of their choosing (i.e., learning outcomes, course syllabus, sample assignments, rubrics) as well as demonstrate their cognitive processing of issues related to teaching philosophy, developing a classroom persona, and the like. The program is completely free! However, enrollment in the program is limited to approximately 15 students. Those interested in being considered for the program will need to complete the short application:

If you have any questions about the program, or what to expect, please contact Dr. Terry Dean (

  • Sponsoring Unit
    Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence