Now Live: Supplemental Funding requests for on-campus student positions accepted through July 25

The Supplemental Funding request form is live and will be open through July 25 at 4:30pm. The University has allocated funds to assist departments who wish to hire students for positions that require a higher level of responsibility than a general clerical job. Undergraduate or graduate students may be hired through this program with the exception of students receiving a graduate assistantship scholarship.

We ask all requesters thoroughly review the instructions provided on the request form via the link below.

We anticipate many requests so please be thorough with responses and ensure all required information is provided. Award notifications will be made mid-August and deposited into the provided departmental account. The money awarded through this program is to be used in addition to existing student employment department funds. The goal of this program is to give the greatest number of students an opportunity for employment.

To apply, submit your request(s) by Tuesday, July 25 by 4:30pm (EST) online at

Questions? Contact Carrie Lutz at

  • Sponsoring Unit
    Career Center